Friday, November 25, 2005

The Nightwatch

While others cling to a tight schedule, up & at 'em every morning and into bed around the same time every night, some of us pay less attention to the clock.

Some of us prefer to be awake at night. There are instances where it is necessary to have someone keep vigil while others slumber.

The world is different at night; Quieter, more mysterious. Without the noise, without the light, it is easier to concentrate.

It seems the whole population has been sleeping. Our global patchwork of differently engineered societies manages to keep the majority of people in a sort of hypnotic trance. Meanwhile, as if by cover of darkness, the power elite and their minions continue with their evil ways.

Regardless of your diurnal habits, or lack thereof, if you are aware of such conspiratorial activity, you can be considered part of the Nightwatch. We keep vigil while others slumber.

In general, humans dwelling on the surface of this Earth are experiencing an awakening -- in more sense than one.

Not only are more of us learning about the things that have been going on behind our backs, and that much of what we have accepted as fact is a pack of lies -- there is another aspect, another facet, a whole other side to the awakening.

People are waking up to the spiritual, the metaphysical. Name any psychic ability - we are discovering them, developing them, and unlearning the things that have blocked our awareness and use of them.

Thus, predictions and warnings in my previous posts here can be viewed with a little less alarm.

I'm not saying that 'they' don't still plan to do those things, and more. It's just that we have found ways to counter their actions.

Last night, 'they' TRIED to trigger a megaquake in California, as planned -- and as foreseen by some of us on the Nightwatch. Some rumblings of about 3 on the Richter scale were felt, but that was all that the earthquake triggering equipment could manage before 'malfunctioning'.

As 'far out' as all this may sound, these activities are indeed VERY REAL. If you are reading this and cannot accept it, you are not on the Nightwatch and don't need to concern yourselves. The threat will be quietly handled.

No need to thank us as you sit in traffic on your way to your position as a wage slave, or as you shop for your family at a Wal-Mart that may have been reduced to rubble by now, had we not taken the appropriate measures.

We don't do what we do for reward. We have volunteered. For us, there is no choice.

Eventually 'they' will have to be exposed. The wheels have already been set in motion for exposure and disclosure. We will sit back an watch as this happens, not expecting to have parades and parties thrown in our honour.

As more and more join us, of course, we will become more and more powerful. The twisted little minds of the power elite are not prepared for this opposition. They will slink away in the night, with their heads down and their tails between their legs, defeated.

Sleep well.

Phil Smith
November 25, 2005

Friday, November 04, 2005

Fighting For Peace

Doesn't sound right, does it?

It's okay if your 'fight' is a struggle, a series of determined actions, a challenge to be met -- but can a goal of peace really be used as an excuse for combat?

It doesn't seem to make sense. If you want someone to calm down and listen to reason, you don't start shooting at him. If you want a group of people to NOT hate you, you don't blow up their village.

Can any 'war on terror' ever be won? Isn't war one of the most terrifying things imaginable? Okay, if there are real terrorists out there, who simply cannot be reasoned with, maybe they should be hunted down. Declaring war on a whole country, though? Is that ever really necessary? By doing that, aren't you just creating more terror, and more reasons to be hated and attacked? defines 'terrorism' as: "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons." Perhaps many have sidestepped the 'unlawful' part -- when you make your own laws, nothing you do ends up being illegal -- but the rest of the definition fits. The most prevalent form of government in this world is TERRORISM.

How is such a problem solved? John F. Kennedy had a pretty good handle on things when he said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Today we might say we have nothing to be terrified about but terror itself, but the fact of the matter is that the world is in the hands of some seriously twisted individuals.

The only way I see out of this situation, where terror is being spread worldwide, is to conquer fear. That, however, is only the first step. Beyond a lack of fear, we must have the courage and resolve to stand up to those who would attempt to frighten us into submission.

Taking a stand isn't something that's easy to do alone. We need a support network. We need to know there are others who feel the way we do, and who will take action with us. Since the problem itself appears difficult to identify, the network can also serve to educate others about the solution.

When I founded the Unified Settlement, early in 2004, the discovery of many similar movements was encouraging. What most of them seem to lack, however, is a basic understanding of what is at the root of all our problems.

Without that knowledge, activism is like attacking an iceberg with a blow-dryer.

The conspirators can allow a moral victory here and there. It's important to keep the oppressed hopeful. "Let them go on fighting their causes," they might whisper,"Keep them busy, so they don't discover the real truth..." They can afford to be smug. Within their group of secret societies, much of this world is under their control. They can pretty much do whatever they want, and it seems no one can stop them.

I've quoted this Pirelli Tire slogan many times: POWER IS NOTHING WITHOUT CONTROL. We need to find a way to make things very slippery for the conspirators, the power elite. Considering their grip on the mainstream media, exposing them involves the alternative media, part of which is right here -- the 'blogosphere'. Another possibility is garnering the attention and participation of celebrities and other media professionals (producers, directors, agents, etc). Many of them are already involved in one form of activism or another, wanting to 'give something back'...

Of course we can bet that a few of them are riding in the hip pockets of the power elite, and that some of their charities serve mostly to divert funds (don't get me started about money -- that's for another post) and/or create tax loopholes (don't get me started about taxes yet, either).

World peace depends, to put it simply, on the people becoming aware of what the real reasons for war are. Further, they should know that they have been systematically deceived, and by WHOM. If some of us feel unbridled hatred toward others of us, the ultimate cause of that hatred needs to be examined.

As always, there is the question, "Who benefits?" The power elite benefit from war in many ways, just as they benefit from other conspiracies I'll cover in this space.

Part of it for them, I imagine, is the thrill of victory. Perhaps they feel much like we do when we pull off a good prank.

They've punked us enough. Time to retaliate.

Phil Smith
November 4/5, 2005