Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tempus Edax Rerum


Tempus Edax Rerum
(Time Devours All)

"...and I might not get there with you, but I want you to know, tonight, that we as a people will get to the Promised Land!" -- Martin Luther King Jr., less than 24 hours before his assassination.

Just before that, of course, he said, "...I have SEEEEEEEN -- the Promised Land."

What I feel that many people don't understand is that the Promised Land he was speaking of is Heaven on Earth. Many see him as having been a deeply religious, deeply spiritual man, and that he was, but he was also a human activist -- and a visionary.

MLK stood for the same things I stand for. I won't compare myself to him (though I'm soon to turn 39, the age at which he was so senselessly murdered, and our birthdays are only a few days apart), but if I were to choose only one hero, Dr. King might be it.

For the record, his birthday is January 15th, a fact obscured by this country's predilection for celebrating official holidays on Mondays. In case you're curious, mine's January 18th, and yes last year I declared it an 'official' Unified Settlement holiday, "Founder's Day", second only to "Settlement Day", which this year will be the 2nd anniversary of the founding of this Nation of Earth, February 27th 2004.

Realizing I'm now the approximate age of Dr. King when his activism caused 'them' to decide he should no longer live is strangely similar to my experience of the 'suiciding' of Kurt Cobain -- he was about my age at the time.

Do I feel old? A couple of my contemporaries are Janet Jackson and Tony Hawk. Are they 'old'?

There's a bit of a Logan's Run thing going on these days. No, I don't mean that people are customarily volunteering to end their lives at 30, but that there seems to be a similar obliteration of history. Maybe I don't know much from personal experience -- Dr. King was killed while I was still in diapers -- but I pay attention to history, because "Those who cannot learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."

Now, in whose interest is it that the each successive generation knows less and less about what came before? In whose interest is it to keep the general population ignorant of the lessons of history?

Does public school, and for that matter do expensive college and university courses help students understand what really happened, and why -- or do they give brief overviews and stress memorization of names and dates, instead of exploring the reasons behind events, and their impact?

If people really understood how we got to where we are and why, they absolutely would not allow the current shenanigans of the power elite. Thus, such knowledge has been closely guarded.

Excuse me, but it is my assertion (and that of many others) that the public in general has been deliberately 'dumbed down'. Some have gone so far as to track down the machinations of this process, and the source of it...

If I were to name names and point fingers, some readers of this weblog might balk at the information and label me a 'conspiracy theorist' -- which of course I would object to, because I am one who has studied the FACTs of conspiracy, a conspiratologist.

So, without naming names, even the names of groups, I'll lay the situation out once again:

Even if power doesn't necessarily corrupt, we observe that the corrupt seek power. Morally bereft as they may be, a lot of 'them' are very clever. And, just like anyone else, they seek out those of like mind. Then, instead of getting together and planning something beneficial to all, they will get together and scheme to benefit themselves -- not only with disregard to Joe Average, but with intent to exploit him, manipulate him, make him do their dirty work, give him a false ideology that serves their own purposes.

The very nature of their plans and schemes means that they must be made in secret -- defining their activities as conspiracy. 'They' thrive on deceit. They lie, they cheat, they steal, they threaten, they ruin lives, and they kill. The end, for 'them', always justifies the means.

They are heartless, almost soulless.

If you can understand that such people exist, and that some of them are very clever, and that they are able to form secret organizations, perhaps you can also understand that they have existed for a very, very long time. Maybe you can see that their organizations are made to appear beneficial, a deception that allows for their continued operation.

Can you imagine how long it's been going on? If so, expand that exponentially. Tempus Edax Rerum -- time devours all -- is a Latin phrase. Eventually, people will forget the lessons of the past -- at least, 'they' hope so, and will do what they can to ensure that it IS so.

If we can't recognize what THEY have done before, how will we know when it's being done to us again?

One thing 'they' have apparently not considered is that the concept of right & wrong is something that can be refined by LOGIC. Therefore those who are more clever than 'they' are can invariably be found within the opposition, the resistance.

It is unfortunate that those with a good sense of what is right and what is wrong tend to give others the benefit of the doubt. We are, to a fault, too trusting. It is difficult for us to see the motivations of the criminal mind. It's all too easy to view reports of conspiracy as 'crazy theory', especially when 'they' are clever enough to cover their tracks fairly well.

Yet, 'they' have become quite arrogant as they gain more and more power, nearly flaunting their actions. In this, the Information Age, they have 'blown their cover', and the word is spreading quickly.

Dr. King was right. We, as a people, WILL get to the Promised Land. It's just around the corner, and only 'they' and their deception stand in our way.

Time devours all, including the reign of the wicked.

Phil Smith
January 17th, 2006


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
