Monday, December 07, 2009

An Interdependent Global Movement


...That's the simple answer to the question, "What is the Nation of Earth?"

It is independent from the influences that currently run things here on Earth -- meaning, the power elite and the alien overlords behind them.

But hang on a minute. Alien overlords? In a word, yes.

We are not alone, and we have never been alone. Our very origin as a species is not completely Terrestrial -- but it is not anyone from the race that genetically engineered us that is chiefly responsible for the mess in which we find ourselves. Some of those guys (the Annunaki -- see the work of Zecharia Sitchin) might be minor players, but this mess is the work of others...

To learn about them, please read Alien Mind by George LoBuono.

If you have ever thought, while learning about the horrendous things the elite do, that such acts were inhuman, well, you were right. Through a bit of genetic manipulation, the people in certain families lack some of the qualities that we associate with being Human. Add to that the phenomenon of something called richcraft, and the result is a small but powerful segment of the population who really don't care about the rest of us -- or even about the planet.

Now here comes the 'crazy' part, about 'alien overlords'...

Imagine a technologically advanced yet morally bereft megapopulation from another galaxy, who live considerably longer than Earthlings. Imagine that, as much as they want to gain a foothold here in the Milky Way, they have arcane methods of acquisition (because even they answer to someone else) and have plenty of time on their hands.

Now imagine that 'plenty of time' translates into hundreds of years, and ask yourselves how long ago it was that the families who now seem to own and/or control everything got their start.

Is this 'conspiracy theory'? I prefer the term 'conspiratology'. When they hide their conspiracies in plain sight, we don't have to theorize...

...and then when an investigative journalist begins to communicate telepathically with various aliens, more pieces of the puzzle come together. At this stage of the game, though, the overlords don't seem to care that more and more of us are aware of what is going on.

The thing is, their little game is very close to being over. Maybe they realize it, maybe they don't -- it doesn't matter.

We Earth Humans (with a little help) are about to break free from their oppression and enter into a new era, an era that some are calling the Golden Age.

The Golden Age will be one of unprecedented prosperity, and we will be introduced into 'galactic society'. War and poverty will be eliminated. Previously suppressed energy and propulsion technologies will be released. Our planet will be healed.

How do we get there from here?

That's where the word 'interdependent' comes into play. We will have to depend upon one another and cooperate on a global scale, and declare our everlasting freedom from those who would trick us into oppression.

This movement has been underway for some time, and this little project I have been calling the 'Nation of Earth' might as well have never begun. Perhaps as few as a hundred have heard of it -- it's a grain of sand in the Sahara. There are people everywhere, though, who have been thinking along the same lines, talking to one another, educating themselves and one another...

This movement will not be stopped. My role in it might prove to be little more than commentary, try as I may to get something going.

If anyone reading this thinks I must be completely insane, wait ten years. You'll see.



Monday, October 12, 2009

Quietly Making a Difference

I don't even know how to talk about this. You should probably just watch Andreas Kalcker in this video presentation:

...and then check out this blog:




Tuesday, May 26, 2009



I see it's been about a month since I posted here -- but things have been developing over on the Nation of Earth member site.

Check it out. Join, and visit often.

Someone there sort of suggested I should do podcasts. Maybe...

What's going on with the Nation of Earth?

Good question. While awareness of my own corner of it may have recently grown exponentially, it's still a drop in the ocean. However I do feel that the member site is slowly growing into its potential.

As for the larger issue of what's going on with the People of Earth, I certainly hope more and more are beginning to get a sense that we are all in this together. Aware that I'm beginning to sound like a broken record on this point, nevertheless I'll repeat it: I do not care whether people call it "The Nation of Earth", don't mind if hardly anyone chooses to fly the late Jim Cadle's Flag of Earth, and I'm not looking to be recognized as any sort of leader or pioneer. I just know what I see, and am trying to do the right thing.

Beyond the Information Age, in the Golden Age to follow, what I see is global cooperative self-governance and unbridled prosperity for the People of Earth. This is what I have been calling the Nation of Earth. Call it what you will; It's on its way.

This blog's archives will show, if anyone cares to investigate, a long slow process on my part. Please be advised, the views expressed by my former self do not necessarily represent the views of my current and/or future self.

These days I'm completely unconcerned with government. Having caught a glimpse of how we will govern ourselves in the future, I see no use in bashing current governments and/or attempting to formulate some sort of alternative. When the time comes, all governments will crumble/dissolve/fade into, be replaced by, what can perhaps be described as a general consensus.

Compared to what we now know as government, it will look like no government at all. Anarchy? Bite your tongue.

Oops, don't want to offend well-meaning anarchists, those who know what 'anarchy' actually means...

For lack of a better term, yes I call it 'cooperative self-governance'. This is a very loose system indeed. Imagine people within an agrarian society discussing and then agreeing on what will benefit them all. Go ahead and think of Amish communities if you like, but picture everyone in the meeting being under the influence of psychedelic mushrooms.

Oops again. That will be lost on you if you've never been in a state where you can almost tell what will happen next, and nothing could possibly be an accident, and communication is nearly (if not totally) telepathic.

It is the stuff of dreams, indeed, but that's what I see.

Another thing I see is that the purposes of this blog and the Nation of Earth Google group are now merged on the Nation of Earth member site -- and now we come to the subject line of this blog entry.


While I have no intention of shutting either down, each has shown a lack of activity. It's all about the member site now, and I consider this a significant upgrade.

I'll no doubt post here again...



Monday, April 27, 2009

what the future holds, and how we'll get there

Quote from a recent e-mail I sent: "My hope is that a positive vision of the future, combined with a firm assertion that such a future is eminently attainable and an explanation of how we can get there, will help ease the Transition."

Easier said than done, to be sure...

Yet again I find myself deferring to Wade Frazier and his multitudinous pages, specifically this one: As with most of Wade's site, though, it's a lot to take in, too much for most to be able to digest.

If we're going to play to the masses (eventually), the message will have to resemble a well-produced 15-second TV commercial -- in that it will have to grab the attention, deliver the message simply and succinctly, and sell the idea.

For now the audience is much, much smaller, just the several of us here and whomever may drop in -- so the message can be less polished...

What does the future hold?

From every indication, in the short term things are going to continue to be difficult and frustrating, horrific at times. Some things cannot be prevented. I personally expect the tides to begin turning continue to turn (yes, I've already seen evidence of positive change). We are a People undergoing a Transition, and it's about damn time. If we had continued down the path that was laid out for us, it would have led to our destruction.

It isn't necessary for us to have to face the worst imaginable before we can enjoy the best. We don't need to be marched through Hell on Earth on the way to Heaven on Earth.

Am I talking about 'Utopia'? Absolutely -- but not in the literal definition. On the other side of Transition is the 'Golden Age'. The People of Earth will be truly free, living in harmony with our planet and one another. Technology will play an important role, the most important bit being free energy. We won't need a monetary system at all, not even a global electronic one.

There will be no reason for us NOT to make use of robotics for any and all tasks for which we can think of applying them. For anything and everything else, there will be someone who either doesn't mind or actually enjoys doing what needs to be done -- or at worst, we'll roll up our sleeves when we have to.

Government? How much of it do we really need? Some would say none at all -- and that actually begins to make sense in an abundance-based society. It makes even more sense in a society where people have become telepathic...

How will we get there?

None of this will happen overnight. What would be great is if a group of people got together and established a futuristic self-sustaining colony in an inhospitable environment somewhere on Earth -- for example, in a desert in the American Southwest (or even in the Sahara). Any location would do, but an inhospitable one would be more impressive. The colony could serve as an example for future living, all bright and shiny and harmonious.

Maybe you're thinking Biosphere II. If you are, you're not far off -- but no one would have to agree to being sealed inside for any length of time, and it would not be an experiment.

Failing that, I'm sure several individuals and groups will be presenting digital plans for such colonies. Likely, someone already has. Several already have.

While it will be helpful to have such examples (and while I do expect people to begin living that way, more and more, it will not be the ONLY way) there remain a great number of things to be addressed.

I'd rather not try to list them. For anyone who has given much thought to this problem, they are self-evident.

It's become painfully clear that those of us on the front lines of the movement are like Dorothy and her companions, that the People of Earth are like the people of Oz, and we need a Toto to pull back the curtain and reveal the Wizard.

'Toto' of course means 'everything'... Suddenly I have new respect for L. Frank Baum.

We will get there by changing the paradigm. This is underway, and this site is intended to be part of the process...

I still have more questions than answers. HELP!!


reposted from the Nation of Earth member site

Monday, March 02, 2009

a new look, and a new paradigm


First... Yes, I've finally changed the look and layout of this blog. The main text area of the template I was using was frustratingly narrow, so I've copied & pasted (& modified) the custom template from one of my other blogs, Tellurian Motors. Then I created a new banner, using the waving Flag of Earth from the Nation of Earth member site. I may continue to refine the look of these pages...

Now, about that new paradigm...

I've known for a long time now that 'free energy' would be associated with our transition, and that after the transition we will begin to realize 'Heaven on Earth'. What hadn't occurred to me -- or what I hadn't fully realized -- was that the very allowance of 'free energy' technology would prove to be the key.

The steps involved seem fairly clear to me now, but it wasn't until I revisited Wade Frazier's site that I really put things together.

Before we can begin to transform our world into something resembling Utopia, the 'free energy' cat has to be, at long last, let out of the bag.

The 'Big Boys' have been keeping that cat in that bag for a very long time. He might claw his way out on his own, very soon...

What happens, is that WHEN 'free energy' is finally allowed, and people can finally purchase devices that produce electricity "out of thin air", not only other technologies but society itself will become transformed.

As Wade Frazier points out, all economies are based on energy -- and we exist inside a paradigm of scarcity. When energy becomes abundant, the paradigm will begin to change. Before long we will all be living with that new paradigm, the paradigm of abundance.

Many of us share a vision of the future where money has become obsolete and everyone has access to more than they need. No one goes without, population numbers are no longer a problem -- and since there is no longer anything to fight over, war has become a thing of the past. It is a future where Love rules.

Okay, wait a minute... War becomes a thing of the past because the abundance paradigm sets everyone free from the manipulation of the elite. After all it has never been the people who have initiated wars, but the ruling class. In a society based on abundance, the people won't put up with that nonsense.

...But you want to know how the ubiquity of a new technology will change everything so drastically. Okay... Remember how life was, let's say, a quarter-century ago? Most everyone had to use telephones connected to wires, and hardly anyone had a personal computer. The internet existed, but wasn't nearly the 'information highway' it is now. If you're reading this, you will probably have difficulty imagining yourself back in 1984, having to live without the technology we enjoy today. Compared to the difference between 1984 and a quarter-century further back, 1959, we have 'progressed' by leaps and bounds. ONE aspect, our increased connectivity and everything else our advances in electronics have brought us, is responsible for the drastic difference.

What the availability of as much energy as anyone could possibly use will do is almost beyond imagining. At first, the manufacture and sales of the devices will do amazing things for the economy. Everyone will want them, all around the world, so all around the world there will be new jobs associated with the development, manufacture, sales, installation and maintenance of these devices.

The devices themselves will be of various sizes and will harness the energy (which some call 'zero-point energy', and is all around us, all the time) in different ways, and will have differing output levels. Some will power a house, or a business. Others may power the very factories that produce the devices, and still others will be small enough to power small electronic devices. In between will be the ones that will power our vehicles -- a new class of electric vehicles that never need to be recharged, and have unlimited range.

Still, though, we don't see how this energy abundance will fundamentally transform Humanity. That's a tough one...

First of all, the very release of the technology from its suppression will mean that somehow, the 'Big Boys' have become convinced of the err of their ways. They've realized that they can invest in the technology in the short term, with great profit, then ride the wave with everyone else. All they'll be giving up is control -- and in compensation for that, they can retire early.

With the end of that particular and most important stranglehold, full disclosure can't be far behind. Anyone who cares to know will be able to find out what 'they' have been up to -- but hey, they were just doing what they thought they were supposed to be doing. No hard feelings, right?

For one thing we'll be informed of the thought processes behind the assassination of John Lennon -- why he was considered 'dangerous'...

Secondly, well, it's not easy to fathom how the abundance of energy will change things. You have to extrapolate...

With all the energy anyone can even think of using, we'll quickly apply it to automation. Robotics will become so sophisticated, they'll take away a ('nother) significant portion of our jobs -- but we won't mind. Robots will build robots, and eventually no one will have to work, because there will be enough people who want to do the things that need to be done by real people.

It will be your choice to go out and do something to help, maybe just because you're bored, or to explore whatever interests you have, or whatever.

In this scenario -- with unlimited energy taking away so many burdens -- you can see how the very concept of 'money' becomes meaningless.

Energy abundance will not be the only transformative influence -- but that's a whole other subject. Enough others are talking about those things...



Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ambassadors to the future


What do I mean by that? I could mean that all those who consider themselves members of the Nation of Earth are ambassadors to the future. That's not where I was going, but yeah, go ahead. Each of you is an Ambassador to the Future.

Physical 'embassies' of sorts are what I was thinking of. These could be the sort of places I wrote about in "City of Redemption", but whether they are built upon land reclaimed from mountaintop removal surface mining is unimportant (as much as I like that idea). They would be as self-sustaining as is practicable, flying the Flag of Earth, with denizens practicing methods of the future for everything from power generation to health care.

Visitors would be given tours, have methods and technology explained to them. Of paramount importance will be the idea of local sustainability, something that has been lost over the past century or so with massive industrialization, and redistribution and extreme specialization of the population.

I didn't grow up on a farm, but Mom did. Grandpa had a nice spread, where he raised Black Angus. There was a milk cow, and there were chickens. He and Grandma had a nice orchard and a fairly large garden. He even had a couple of horses, I'm guessing in case something went wrong with the tractor (or the gasoline supply). A nearby river had fish. Water came from a well, and rain barrels. Heat and cooking were managed with cast iron stoves -- coal was used, but wood could have easily been substituted. There was electricity, and a phone line, but they were more conveniences than necessities.

That's sustainable living, folks.

Sadly (after his wife passed), instead of leaving the place to any or all of his descendants, he sold it to the millionaire 'inventor of cable television' with the proviso that he could live there for the rest of his life -- which wasn't long.

The place was big enough that several more houses could have been built, the garden and orchard expanded, and all of his sons & daughters and their children could have resided there if they chose to, yeah, me and all my aunts and uncles and cousins, and the next generation after that, and so on. Everyone had already gone their separate ways, though, and there was no one to tend the farm.

I am left to imagine how it may have been, if only one of his eight children had expressed enough interest in what Grandpa established. It was solid. Brilliant -- if only in retrospect.

As far back as the time of his passing, in the mid-Seventies, solar heating could have been introduced. At any point 'high tunnels' and/or greenhouses could have been added. By now an elaborate system of rainwater collection (and even a little drafting from the adjacent river) could have been coupled with a solar-heated distillation facility, with a remineralization module to supply excellent drinking water.

Any water can be processed for re-use, even from sewage.

If my grandfather, R. L. Bain, were here right now, I imagine we could have a wonderful conversation of how to optimize the resources of the land he used to own. I think he would agree that, if managed properly, the land could sustain all his descendants -- while showing a profit. Stubborn as he was, he would be quick to embrace more efficient methods -- so long as they didn't rely too much on the outside world.

Our future relies on our past. To succeed and prosper, we are going to have to take a close look at the methods of our ancestors -- and improve upon them. Using the latest technology and sharing the best methods with one another, we can maintain sustainability into the decades and centuries yet to come.

Along the way we will need to embrace 'forbidden' technology. As our population expands beyond what our Earth can comfortably sustain, many of us will have to colonize Space. Making use of technology that has been kept secret, we can construct 'motherships' and spacefaring vessels of various sizes, even move to other planets. There is, theoretically, no limit.

Even ONE 'embassy to the future' will be a good start. I'd like to establish such a place, and even have a location in mind.

The questions are these:

  • Would you be willing to leave your current life behind, to join an effort meant to show the way for the future?
  • Can you cast aside the dispersions of friends & family, and be assured that what you are doing will make a difference, or at least ensure your own survival?
  • Are you willing and able to depart from conventional thinking, to embrace ideas that have been suppressed by capitalism/fascism/oligarchy?
  • Would you move hundreds or thousands of miles to be a part of the project?
  • Would you mind lending a hand wherever it is needed?
  • Do you have any faith in the idea of a sustainable colony, here on Earth?
  • Are you willing to suggest changes & improvements, if you see the need for them?
  • Do you subscribe to the idea that we are all ONE, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, or background?
  • Can you see that what we will be doing will be important to the future of Humans on Earth (and beyond)?
  • Are you willing to give feedback on how well the robotics are working, so they can be more efficient and allow us more liesure time?

The future is ours. How we spend it is up to us. New ground is ready to be broken. Anyone, anywhere, can be prosperous with the proper knowledge. By establishing an exemplary colony, and others to follow, we can show the way. It's all about sustainability, and room for growth.

We can do this.

Will it happen?

It could. It can. Time will tell.

Phil Smith
January 14, 2009


Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Human Instrument



I didn't know how it was going to happen, just that it would.  Before that, I wasn't even sure it would happen, and was looking for a way to bring it about.  Pieces of the puzzle keep falling into place...

I'm not the only one talking about something like the Nation of Earth.  That's just what I eventually decided to call it, and even then I knew my vision of the future was far from unique.  This thing that is happening is indeed a thing that's happening, and the transition has already begun.

I'm writing this a few days after following a link to a text interview that, despite its length, I consider required reading:

In that ream of text you will find the term sovereign integral, the meaning of which is a significant step beyond 'sovereign individual' -- we are all individuals, but we are all integral to the First Source...

You may be familiar with the idea of ascension, and even mass ascension.  You may understand that we as a people must be much, much more evolved than we currently seem to be, before we can be inducted into Galactic Society (or whatever you want to call it).  You may have a vague idea about how this will happen, and that vision may involve a mass increase in psychic abilities...

You may, as I do, see a beautiful future -- a Golden Age -- waiting just around the corner.

Well?  How do we get there?

To do this, it seems, we have a monumental task before us.  We must literally redefine ourselves.  Right now we might think we know who we are, and where we came from -- but all our recorded history, and all our mythology, is only part of the story.  We are more than what we seem -- to ourselves, if to no one outside our realm...

...Or should I say 'prison'?

Each of us is an individual expression of First Source.  Whether we realize it or not, we are all connected -- to one another, and to everything.  In the interview something called the 'Human Mind System' is mentioned over and over.  James (the interviewee) tells us that it includes the subconscious and unconscious as well as the conscious -- everything we experience, in waking and dreaming and even in astral travel.  Even between lives, our souls are trapped in the system.

Did you ever believe in Santa Claus?  Did you ever believe in anything that later turned out not to be real -- or at least not as you thought it to be?  After the illusion is shattered, it still takes time to adjust.  Take your time.

We've been told over and over that we need to 'wake up', but being 'awake' and aware of how things really are on this planet isn't enough.  Sure, it would help if the vast majority of our population wasn't in the dark, but even if everyone was 'awake' in that sense, we are all still living within the Human Mind System.

We would still not be able to realize our full potential, still be fooling ourselves about who and what we really are.  It would be like dreaming about waking up, and dismissing the alarm as something else while we continue to dream.

I'm not going to go on about our true origin, or how we ended up this way.  It's all in the interview.  You may or may not be able to accept everything that is laid out there.  You may not even decide to follow the link -- but I hope you do.

As more and more of us shed the Human Mind System, it will become easier for the rest.  This will take several years.  Difficult times are ahead.  Call them 'End Times' if you must, but I prefer to see what is beginning.

Phil Smith
December 11, 2008
