Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Human Instrument



I didn't know how it was going to happen, just that it would.  Before that, I wasn't even sure it would happen, and was looking for a way to bring it about.  Pieces of the puzzle keep falling into place...

I'm not the only one talking about something like the Nation of Earth.  That's just what I eventually decided to call it, and even then I knew my vision of the future was far from unique.  This thing that is happening is indeed a thing that's happening, and the transition has already begun.

I'm writing this a few days after following a link to a text interview that, despite its length, I consider required reading:

In that ream of text you will find the term sovereign integral, the meaning of which is a significant step beyond 'sovereign individual' -- we are all individuals, but we are all integral to the First Source...

You may be familiar with the idea of ascension, and even mass ascension.  You may understand that we as a people must be much, much more evolved than we currently seem to be, before we can be inducted into Galactic Society (or whatever you want to call it).  You may have a vague idea about how this will happen, and that vision may involve a mass increase in psychic abilities...

You may, as I do, see a beautiful future -- a Golden Age -- waiting just around the corner.

Well?  How do we get there?

To do this, it seems, we have a monumental task before us.  We must literally redefine ourselves.  Right now we might think we know who we are, and where we came from -- but all our recorded history, and all our mythology, is only part of the story.  We are more than what we seem -- to ourselves, if to no one outside our realm...

...Or should I say 'prison'?

Each of us is an individual expression of First Source.  Whether we realize it or not, we are all connected -- to one another, and to everything.  In the interview something called the 'Human Mind System' is mentioned over and over.  James (the interviewee) tells us that it includes the subconscious and unconscious as well as the conscious -- everything we experience, in waking and dreaming and even in astral travel.  Even between lives, our souls are trapped in the system.

Did you ever believe in Santa Claus?  Did you ever believe in anything that later turned out not to be real -- or at least not as you thought it to be?  After the illusion is shattered, it still takes time to adjust.  Take your time.

We've been told over and over that we need to 'wake up', but being 'awake' and aware of how things really are on this planet isn't enough.  Sure, it would help if the vast majority of our population wasn't in the dark, but even if everyone was 'awake' in that sense, we are all still living within the Human Mind System.

We would still not be able to realize our full potential, still be fooling ourselves about who and what we really are.  It would be like dreaming about waking up, and dismissing the alarm as something else while we continue to dream.

I'm not going to go on about our true origin, or how we ended up this way.  It's all in the interview.  You may or may not be able to accept everything that is laid out there.  You may not even decide to follow the link -- but I hope you do.

As more and more of us shed the Human Mind System, it will become easier for the rest.  This will take several years.  Difficult times are ahead.  Call them 'End Times' if you must, but I prefer to see what is beginning.

Phil Smith
December 11, 2008


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

other sites


Its anthem is the wind in her trees
And the waves of her seas.

I've known about this first site for several months, but put off exploring it.  There was a time when I wanted to be the one to make the Flag of Earth available again...  It's not like I don't want anyone to be able to order one unless it's from me, but I failed to follow through on that, so it was a sore spot...  At least I got some T-shirts made...

Found something today while seeing if a search for my new member site (now approaching full functionality) would bring it up...  ONE NATION EARTH is what it's called...  Little there but fancy flash and a link, so far, but the link takes you to a MySpace page -- and yes I've sent a friend request...

If you're on MySpace and for some reason are not yet connected to me there, my page is:

Back to the One Nation Earth site...  Something there bothers me.  If you watch the flash long enough you'll see it says, among other things, 'one god' and 'one religion'.  This is just as unacceptible as saying NO god and NO religion.  Personally I think there is something out there (and in here, and everywhere) that for a lack of a better word we can call 'God', but I do not subscribe to any religion and certainly wouldn't want to foist one off on everyone else.

Explore the MySpace page and within the "Who I'd like to meet" section you'll see it says "I believe it's time for all of us to realize that there is only One True Religion in this Life called...  Love."  Well, that's fine -- but dude, please remove the misleading and potentially offensive 'one god' and 'one religion' from your official site.  It would also be a good idea to revert to an earlier version of your profile, dude -- the beta version isn't working very well (at least in Google Chrome)...

Perhaps I should be more actively searching for sites that mirror the Nation of Earth outlook, and perhaps I will, and perhaps some of them will be worthwhile...

Phil Smith
November 11, 2008


Sunday, October 12, 2008

new member site


New Earth Nation site launched last night, 10_10/11_08:

This is a place where anyone can join and begin posting content. If necessary, restrictions will be administered -- but for now it is completely open. We may expect exposure to be minimal, generating a small but growing membership, in which case the site can remain unrestricted... One never knows, though...

I'm administering it myself (with sporadic help) so complete functionality and full features may take a while. Things to look forward to are friendly links, a chat box, and a forum. Members will be able to post entries with text and images, as in a multi-contributor blog.

The site would not be possible without the magnanimity and technical expertise of my friend and server host, 'Yaddoshi'. Mad props and much gratitude.

Come Wednesday (the 15th) Mercury will be out of retrograde again and we can be a little less confused...

This Earth Nation site could spark a new beginning for the Unified Settlement / Nation of Earth subculture, who so far have had little more than a basic forum...

It has potential.

Please visit:

Phil Smith
October 12, 2008


Friday, April 18, 2008

City of Redemption


Go to Google Maps, and in Satellite mode, zoom in on southern West Virginia and/or eastern Kentucky. You'll find some odd grey patches. Zoom in closer and you may be puzzled by these features, until you realize they are the result of a mining practice known as mountaintop removal -- at which point you may become quite horrified.

You might even be brought to tears. The Appalachians are the oldest mountains on Earth, but the coal companies (and by extension, government) show them no respect.

Protest as we might, they keep blasting. One of the reasons they manage to get away with it is that the mountains in question are in remote, sparsely-populated areas. Even with acreage akin to that of small cities in some cases, the sites are visited by almost no one except mine employees.

One oft-repeated placation about the practice is that it leaves behind flat land, in areas where flat land is at a premium. This much is true, certainly, and one can imagine a mine company
executive looking around at one of these places after the coal is gone, thinking of all the things that could be done with the reshaped land...

Well, sure -- except that the sites are all fairly remote, with only very small towns nearby.

You'd have to build a whole community to take advantage of such a place.

...And there's the opportunity.

How nice would it be to be able to build something in the Appalachian Mountains, knowing you cannot possibly do any damage? These places are already ruined; You can't make them worse. Anything you do will be an improvement.

I know of at least one small airport, Big Sandy Regional, that was built on such remains. In the past,
it has been necessary to use cut-and-fill to build and expand airports in West Virginia...

In general, these beautiful mountains have indeed been an obstacle. There is only room for so much -- so yeah, the coal companies have that part right. Someone could build a resort -- or an entire resort town. A corporation could theoretically move its headquarters to one of these places, relocating hundreds of employees...

Or, if there was backing for such a project, a nearly self-sustaining planned community could be built. There is room for all of these things and more, and there is the architectural opportunity of a lifetime attached to any one of them...

Image:Mountaintop Removal.jpg

In this setting, with still-untouched mountains all around, imagine architecture that looks like it came from science fiction, surrounded by lush vegetation. Imagine having everything you need close by, even though you're living in a place that was previously 'far from civilization'. Imagine thumbing your nose at the 'Friends of Coal' by powering everything with solar and wind.

Imagine the satisfaction of being part of the reclamation of land torn asunder by greed. The coal companies are required to 'restore' the land to a certain extent, and Mother Nature would take over in full force eventually, but in the right hands...

Mountaintop removal is an abomination. It should be stopped. However there is no reason not to take full advantage of the sites left behind.

Phil Smith
April 18, 2008


Sunday, April 06, 2008



Over time, we learn.

I can only speak for myself, but this has been my experience -- and I certainly hope the majority shares this experience.

From something I've learned recently, my optimism has been reinforced. It seems that the secret societies of the East have decided to assert themselves, and refuse to allow the secret societies of the West to continue on their previous course.

That course, that path, was one of destruction. Rumours of its machinations have been spreading for decades, spawning many dire predictions. Some of those may yet come true -- but overall, the picture has changed dramatically.

We sit back and watch, wondering when and if the economy of the United States of America will collapse, whether there will be a new currency, and whether it will be shared with Mexico and Canada, within a North American Union.

It's not difficult to understand why North Americans in general (and it seems, Canadians in particular) are apprehensive to say the least about the possibility of the formation of something like the NAU. Looking at the way government has been run over the past century or so, who can blame them?

One viewpoint is that the formation of the NAU would bring us all one step (Giant leap?) closer to the "New World Order", wherein secret government would hold the entire world in its clutches. The more you know (or think you know) about the plans of the conspirators, the darker our future appears...

Hang on a minute. Does it have to be that way? Couldn't the union of these three countries be an opportunity to implement the kind of oversight each of their governments could seriously use? Might it not, possibly, allow us to reduce the stain of corruption?

In the past, we could have been almost certain that such a union would only lead to more corruption and take control farther away from the hands of the people. We could not have known, could merely have hoped, that some force for positive change would come along...

...and now it has.

The secret societies of the East have entirely different motivations from those of the West. Genocide, for one thing, is not on their agenda. A reduction of the world's population, to them, seems neither necessary nor desirable. War is off the table. Though they may rule with an iron fist, they believe in balance and harmony.

They have made it clear that any member of Western secret government who 'misbehaves' will be dealt with, Ninja-style.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what form of government we have, secret or otherwise, as long as our needs are properly met. Mostly, as a species we need to keep ourselves from destroying the planet -- and each other. Eventually, I would like to think, whatever form of government we will have will be a transparent one, and no larger than necessary.

As the title of this blog suggests, I would very much like to see the people of this planet unified -- by choice. Inch by inch, we're getting there.

Phil Smith
April 6, 2008


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Is It Fictional?


Is It Fictional?

I've begun to wonder if anyone thought so. At this point the Nation of Earth is still conceptual, to be certain...

What do we do with concepts? If you've seen my Tellurian Motors blog, you know I sometimes draw them -- but those are mere automotive concepts, and it seems I can spend more time on a description than on a sketch. Can I sketch the Nation of Earth? Maybe, but I'm not sure how, so I write about it.

Recently a new friend (as only a new friend can do) got me to reexamine my life. What was I doing with it? Well, I got to thinking about the things I like to do, that I'm also fairly good at, and that could be listed as actual occupations -- and out of those, the one that suits me best is writing. I decided to take a short story I started last February, and turn it into a novel.

I figured, since it was set in the near future, within the novel I could describe my vision -- where Earth Humans have become united against, and have overcome, the oppressive influences of the few over the many...

However as I began to place my main character in a new setting something very unexpected, astonishing, and important happened. In my musings, I stumbled upon a technology that has the power to transform our lives -- and our global society -- more than anything has before!

No, I can't tell you about it. What I CAN tell you is that it will make sense, within the novel at least, how something like that can be the catalyst for a peaceful global unification -- and then admittance into 'Galactic Society'.

At first I was so caught up in the ramifications, so absorbed with what all this would mean to my protagonist, and dealing with all the new developments, that I couldn't write anything but notes in e-mails to a couple of close friends (my oldest, and my newest -- you know who you are). I knew that anything I wrote could quickly become obsolete, so I decided to wait out the hectic holiday season and now...

For now it's all settled down in my head, and the kids will very soon be back in school, so then as I sit here in front of this screen as I almost invariably do I'll be laying down pages.

Wish me luck.

Phil Smith
January 1st, 2008


"Behind every great fortune there is a crime."
- Honore de Balzac

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
- Jimi Hendrix

“Peace in the world must begin first within the heart and purpose and mind of the individual…[for] as individuals change themselves and their interactions with one another, eventually the world cannot help but follow.”
- Edgar Cayce

"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society."
- Krishnamurti

"Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane."
- Philip K. Dick

"The sad truth is that excellence makes people nervous."
- Shana Alexander

"A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures."
- Daniel Webster
