Tuesday, March 06, 2007

the war on war


Ever on the front lines of this struggle, Tina has sent out a link to video
footage showing that BBC reported the collapse of Building 7 of the World
Trade Center -- this is significant -- 23 minutes before it actually
occurred. Many thanks, Tina.

Here is the link: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=49f_1172526096

As painful as it may be to watch news footage from September 11 2001, we owe
it to those who were taken from us that day -- indeed, we owe it to Humanity
-- to never allow ourselves to forget.

Which is not to say that we should hold a grudge against those who were
blamed for the events of that day, but that somehow we must bring
accountability to those who were actually responsible. The facts simply
don't add up. You don't have to subscribe to every theory of conspiracy
surrounding those events to doubt the official story.

At the time, most of us were too shocked to know what to think, and there is
certainly a tendency for people to believe the news as presented. Now, over
5 years later, there has been so much uncovered that we can only conclude
that the masses aren't in an uproar because the truth is simply too horrible
to think of.

Who could believe that government officials would plan and execute a staged
attack on their own country? Such an act is so EVIL that hardly anyone can
accept that it happened. They would rather fall in line and lay the blame
where they are told to. They would rather send their children out in harm's
way in an unjust war -- a war in which certain corporations have been
profiting immensely from government contracts.

This is the world we live in -- a world where monsters dwell, pulling the
strings from behind the scenes, thriving on human suffering. This is a
world where people swallow the lies of those monsters because the truth, if
they ever got a chance to taste it, would make them puke.

Reality, as always, is subjective. No matter how low Bush's approval rating
gets, if it's not 0% we know that there are those among us who are seriously
deluded. Every time I go out in traffic I still see at least one W'04 or
Bush/Cheney sticker on the back of a vehicle. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE
PEOPLE?!? Maybe they're just stupid, or maybe they've lived their entire
lives having their reality spoon-fed to them. Either way, it seems they are
incapable of thinking for themselves.

Various cultures have had legitimate reasons to wage war in the past, but
that's just a part of Humanity's evolutionary history. It has been said
that there can be no evolution without REvolution, and it appears we are on
the brink of a revolution wherein people demand an end to war. At this
stage, war can serve no legitimate purpose.

Yet, we still live in a world where a relative few hold ultimate power over
the many -- and those relative few didn't get where they are by being nice
guys with everyone's best interests at heart. We still live in a world
where the majority are clueless as to what's really going on.

How can we change this?

One way or another, people are going to have to be exposed to the truth --
but even then, that's not enough. If our governments are not to be trusted,
they'll have to be replaced -- but with what? Someone has to formulate a
system that will guarantee that cryptocracy can never rear its ugly head
again, ever, anywhere.

Either this revolution occurs, or we as a species doom ourselves to
struggling for survival, let alone sustainability.

Phil Smith
Parkersburg, WV USA
March 2, 2007

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