Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Human Instrument



I didn't know how it was going to happen, just that it would.  Before that, I wasn't even sure it would happen, and was looking for a way to bring it about.  Pieces of the puzzle keep falling into place...

I'm not the only one talking about something like the Nation of Earth.  That's just what I eventually decided to call it, and even then I knew my vision of the future was far from unique.  This thing that is happening is indeed a thing that's happening, and the transition has already begun.

I'm writing this a few days after following a link to a text interview that, despite its length, I consider required reading:

In that ream of text you will find the term sovereign integral, the meaning of which is a significant step beyond 'sovereign individual' -- we are all individuals, but we are all integral to the First Source...

You may be familiar with the idea of ascension, and even mass ascension.  You may understand that we as a people must be much, much more evolved than we currently seem to be, before we can be inducted into Galactic Society (or whatever you want to call it).  You may have a vague idea about how this will happen, and that vision may involve a mass increase in psychic abilities...

You may, as I do, see a beautiful future -- a Golden Age -- waiting just around the corner.

Well?  How do we get there?

To do this, it seems, we have a monumental task before us.  We must literally redefine ourselves.  Right now we might think we know who we are, and where we came from -- but all our recorded history, and all our mythology, is only part of the story.  We are more than what we seem -- to ourselves, if to no one outside our realm...

...Or should I say 'prison'?

Each of us is an individual expression of First Source.  Whether we realize it or not, we are all connected -- to one another, and to everything.  In the interview something called the 'Human Mind System' is mentioned over and over.  James (the interviewee) tells us that it includes the subconscious and unconscious as well as the conscious -- everything we experience, in waking and dreaming and even in astral travel.  Even between lives, our souls are trapped in the system.

Did you ever believe in Santa Claus?  Did you ever believe in anything that later turned out not to be real -- or at least not as you thought it to be?  After the illusion is shattered, it still takes time to adjust.  Take your time.

We've been told over and over that we need to 'wake up', but being 'awake' and aware of how things really are on this planet isn't enough.  Sure, it would help if the vast majority of our population wasn't in the dark, but even if everyone was 'awake' in that sense, we are all still living within the Human Mind System.

We would still not be able to realize our full potential, still be fooling ourselves about who and what we really are.  It would be like dreaming about waking up, and dismissing the alarm as something else while we continue to dream.

I'm not going to go on about our true origin, or how we ended up this way.  It's all in the interview.  You may or may not be able to accept everything that is laid out there.  You may not even decide to follow the link -- but I hope you do.

As more and more of us shed the Human Mind System, it will become easier for the rest.  This will take several years.  Difficult times are ahead.  Call them 'End Times' if you must, but I prefer to see what is beginning.

Phil Smith
December 11, 2008


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