Friday, October 19, 2007

Alternative Government


Alternative Government

The word 'confederacy' is defined by Wiktionary simply as "an alliance", but of course it stirs up images of the War Between the States. If you describe the Nation of Earth as a Terran Confederation, expect people to compare it to the Wing Commander science fiction series...

We NEED a new confederacy.

Revisiting some of the things said back in the Unified Settlement era... This world's governments are out of control. They have gone beyond oligarchy, into outright cryptocracy. It would be of little use to try and fix our existing systems of government, since they are as puppets putting on a show -- while those who pull the strings from behind the scenes are the ones who profit.

What if people simply rejected their authority? Would that work? Sorry to say, individuals and entire groups can be persecuted for such 'disobedience'. We would need a considerable confederacy indeed to be able to face up to major governments.

So, what if people formed a global alliance? What if it grew to the point where almost everyone knew about its existence and what it stood for? What if they were so large in number, and so well-organized, that they could not be ignored?

What if their plan for an alternative system of government made so much sense that even some employees of existing governments gave up their posts and joined the call?

Could it just be possible, that existing world governments would be so overwhelmed by this movement that they would simply lay down their arms and hand over control, with no contest?

That is the dream. What we of the Nation of Earth are looking for, is a bloodless revolution.

Jim Cadle's Flag of Earth, the way I see it, should play a major role. Originated at the same time as the 'official' Earth Flag, it was first flown by Jim on May 17, 1970. Unlike the Earth Flag, the Flag of Earth uses colour & shape -- not a NASA photo -- to represent our planet. Flown at SETI sites around the world, it is a beautifully simple symbol for Earth and those who dwell upon her.

There is no better symbol for the Nation of Earth movement. I exchanged a few e-mails with Jim, before he passed, and know he would approve.

This post is a call to Humans everywhere who see our situation and want to change it. The Nation of Earth -- or whatever it may come to be called -- represents hope for the future of Humanity. Me? I imagined the movement, wrote a few things, and since have witnessed that it has already been happening and is likely to continue to happen with or without me. What I'm proposing here is that we get together and plan this thing out.

Eventually, a true rule by the People will be a reality, on a global basis. Question is, do we sit back and wait for it to happen, or do we actively work toward it?

There are many more questions. Keep asking them.

Phil Smith
October 19, 2007


1 comment:

Tom Loeber said...

Such a relief to find some lucid thought. I have an idea based on an equation I envisioned in 1976. The mathematics gives me some insight into the current predicament and suggests an ideal to aim for, one that can be facilitated with software. Research has brought some little used vocabulary into my consciousness such as the need to maximize ergodicity, the pandemic epistemic relativism that abounds due to the legacy of being forced to consider non-systems as systems, the lack of vision due to constraints on perspective from second-order cybernetic assumptions. You can see what is rapidly becoming a rather old treatise on the subject at my web site, . I continue to add to my Eureka moments with further insight and the characteristics of the software needed get refined. "Time keeps on slipping..."