Monday, March 02, 2009

a new look, and a new paradigm


First... Yes, I've finally changed the look and layout of this blog. The main text area of the template I was using was frustratingly narrow, so I've copied & pasted (& modified) the custom template from one of my other blogs, Tellurian Motors. Then I created a new banner, using the waving Flag of Earth from the Nation of Earth member site. I may continue to refine the look of these pages...

Now, about that new paradigm...

I've known for a long time now that 'free energy' would be associated with our transition, and that after the transition we will begin to realize 'Heaven on Earth'. What hadn't occurred to me -- or what I hadn't fully realized -- was that the very allowance of 'free energy' technology would prove to be the key.

The steps involved seem fairly clear to me now, but it wasn't until I revisited Wade Frazier's site that I really put things together.

Before we can begin to transform our world into something resembling Utopia, the 'free energy' cat has to be, at long last, let out of the bag.

The 'Big Boys' have been keeping that cat in that bag for a very long time. He might claw his way out on his own, very soon...

What happens, is that WHEN 'free energy' is finally allowed, and people can finally purchase devices that produce electricity "out of thin air", not only other technologies but society itself will become transformed.

As Wade Frazier points out, all economies are based on energy -- and we exist inside a paradigm of scarcity. When energy becomes abundant, the paradigm will begin to change. Before long we will all be living with that new paradigm, the paradigm of abundance.

Many of us share a vision of the future where money has become obsolete and everyone has access to more than they need. No one goes without, population numbers are no longer a problem -- and since there is no longer anything to fight over, war has become a thing of the past. It is a future where Love rules.

Okay, wait a minute... War becomes a thing of the past because the abundance paradigm sets everyone free from the manipulation of the elite. After all it has never been the people who have initiated wars, but the ruling class. In a society based on abundance, the people won't put up with that nonsense.

...But you want to know how the ubiquity of a new technology will change everything so drastically. Okay... Remember how life was, let's say, a quarter-century ago? Most everyone had to use telephones connected to wires, and hardly anyone had a personal computer. The internet existed, but wasn't nearly the 'information highway' it is now. If you're reading this, you will probably have difficulty imagining yourself back in 1984, having to live without the technology we enjoy today. Compared to the difference between 1984 and a quarter-century further back, 1959, we have 'progressed' by leaps and bounds. ONE aspect, our increased connectivity and everything else our advances in electronics have brought us, is responsible for the drastic difference.

What the availability of as much energy as anyone could possibly use will do is almost beyond imagining. At first, the manufacture and sales of the devices will do amazing things for the economy. Everyone will want them, all around the world, so all around the world there will be new jobs associated with the development, manufacture, sales, installation and maintenance of these devices.

The devices themselves will be of various sizes and will harness the energy (which some call 'zero-point energy', and is all around us, all the time) in different ways, and will have differing output levels. Some will power a house, or a business. Others may power the very factories that produce the devices, and still others will be small enough to power small electronic devices. In between will be the ones that will power our vehicles -- a new class of electric vehicles that never need to be recharged, and have unlimited range.

Still, though, we don't see how this energy abundance will fundamentally transform Humanity. That's a tough one...

First of all, the very release of the technology from its suppression will mean that somehow, the 'Big Boys' have become convinced of the err of their ways. They've realized that they can invest in the technology in the short term, with great profit, then ride the wave with everyone else. All they'll be giving up is control -- and in compensation for that, they can retire early.

With the end of that particular and most important stranglehold, full disclosure can't be far behind. Anyone who cares to know will be able to find out what 'they' have been up to -- but hey, they were just doing what they thought they were supposed to be doing. No hard feelings, right?

For one thing we'll be informed of the thought processes behind the assassination of John Lennon -- why he was considered 'dangerous'...

Secondly, well, it's not easy to fathom how the abundance of energy will change things. You have to extrapolate...

With all the energy anyone can even think of using, we'll quickly apply it to automation. Robotics will become so sophisticated, they'll take away a ('nother) significant portion of our jobs -- but we won't mind. Robots will build robots, and eventually no one will have to work, because there will be enough people who want to do the things that need to be done by real people.

It will be your choice to go out and do something to help, maybe just because you're bored, or to explore whatever interests you have, or whatever.

In this scenario -- with unlimited energy taking away so many burdens -- you can see how the very concept of 'money' becomes meaningless.

Energy abundance will not be the only transformative influence -- but that's a whole other subject. Enough others are talking about those things...



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As what we all know, innovations are infinite. We should always keep ourselves updated to keep on track of new technologies. Thanks for sharing this blog, well said pardigm.Good Day