Monday, April 27, 2009

what the future holds, and how we'll get there

Quote from a recent e-mail I sent: "My hope is that a positive vision of the future, combined with a firm assertion that such a future is eminently attainable and an explanation of how we can get there, will help ease the Transition."

Easier said than done, to be sure...

Yet again I find myself deferring to Wade Frazier and his multitudinous pages, specifically this one: As with most of Wade's site, though, it's a lot to take in, too much for most to be able to digest.

If we're going to play to the masses (eventually), the message will have to resemble a well-produced 15-second TV commercial -- in that it will have to grab the attention, deliver the message simply and succinctly, and sell the idea.

For now the audience is much, much smaller, just the several of us here and whomever may drop in -- so the message can be less polished...

What does the future hold?

From every indication, in the short term things are going to continue to be difficult and frustrating, horrific at times. Some things cannot be prevented. I personally expect the tides to begin turning continue to turn (yes, I've already seen evidence of positive change). We are a People undergoing a Transition, and it's about damn time. If we had continued down the path that was laid out for us, it would have led to our destruction.

It isn't necessary for us to have to face the worst imaginable before we can enjoy the best. We don't need to be marched through Hell on Earth on the way to Heaven on Earth.

Am I talking about 'Utopia'? Absolutely -- but not in the literal definition. On the other side of Transition is the 'Golden Age'. The People of Earth will be truly free, living in harmony with our planet and one another. Technology will play an important role, the most important bit being free energy. We won't need a monetary system at all, not even a global electronic one.

There will be no reason for us NOT to make use of robotics for any and all tasks for which we can think of applying them. For anything and everything else, there will be someone who either doesn't mind or actually enjoys doing what needs to be done -- or at worst, we'll roll up our sleeves when we have to.

Government? How much of it do we really need? Some would say none at all -- and that actually begins to make sense in an abundance-based society. It makes even more sense in a society where people have become telepathic...

How will we get there?

None of this will happen overnight. What would be great is if a group of people got together and established a futuristic self-sustaining colony in an inhospitable environment somewhere on Earth -- for example, in a desert in the American Southwest (or even in the Sahara). Any location would do, but an inhospitable one would be more impressive. The colony could serve as an example for future living, all bright and shiny and harmonious.

Maybe you're thinking Biosphere II. If you are, you're not far off -- but no one would have to agree to being sealed inside for any length of time, and it would not be an experiment.

Failing that, I'm sure several individuals and groups will be presenting digital plans for such colonies. Likely, someone already has. Several already have.

While it will be helpful to have such examples (and while I do expect people to begin living that way, more and more, it will not be the ONLY way) there remain a great number of things to be addressed.

I'd rather not try to list them. For anyone who has given much thought to this problem, they are self-evident.

It's become painfully clear that those of us on the front lines of the movement are like Dorothy and her companions, that the People of Earth are like the people of Oz, and we need a Toto to pull back the curtain and reveal the Wizard.

'Toto' of course means 'everything'... Suddenly I have new respect for L. Frank Baum.

We will get there by changing the paradigm. This is underway, and this site is intended to be part of the process...

I still have more questions than answers. HELP!!


reposted from the Nation of Earth member site

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