Tuesday, May 26, 2009



I see it's been about a month since I posted here -- but things have been developing over on the Nation of Earth member site.

Check it out. Join, and visit often.

Someone there sort of suggested I should do podcasts. Maybe...

What's going on with the Nation of Earth?

Good question. While awareness of my own corner of it may have recently grown exponentially, it's still a drop in the ocean. However I do feel that the member site is slowly growing into its potential.

As for the larger issue of what's going on with the People of Earth, I certainly hope more and more are beginning to get a sense that we are all in this together. Aware that I'm beginning to sound like a broken record on this point, nevertheless I'll repeat it: I do not care whether people call it "The Nation of Earth", don't mind if hardly anyone chooses to fly the late Jim Cadle's Flag of Earth, and I'm not looking to be recognized as any sort of leader or pioneer. I just know what I see, and am trying to do the right thing.

Beyond the Information Age, in the Golden Age to follow, what I see is global cooperative self-governance and unbridled prosperity for the People of Earth. This is what I have been calling the Nation of Earth. Call it what you will; It's on its way.

This blog's archives will show, if anyone cares to investigate, a long slow process on my part. Please be advised, the views expressed by my former self do not necessarily represent the views of my current and/or future self.

These days I'm completely unconcerned with government. Having caught a glimpse of how we will govern ourselves in the future, I see no use in bashing current governments and/or attempting to formulate some sort of alternative. When the time comes, all governments will crumble/dissolve/fade into, be replaced by, what can perhaps be described as a general consensus.

Compared to what we now know as government, it will look like no government at all. Anarchy? Bite your tongue.

Oops, don't want to offend well-meaning anarchists, those who know what 'anarchy' actually means...

For lack of a better term, yes I call it 'cooperative self-governance'. This is a very loose system indeed. Imagine people within an agrarian society discussing and then agreeing on what will benefit them all. Go ahead and think of Amish communities if you like, but picture everyone in the meeting being under the influence of psychedelic mushrooms.

Oops again. That will be lost on you if you've never been in a state where you can almost tell what will happen next, and nothing could possibly be an accident, and communication is nearly (if not totally) telepathic.

It is the stuff of dreams, indeed, but that's what I see.

Another thing I see is that the purposes of this blog and the Nation of Earth Google group are now merged on the Nation of Earth member site -- and now we come to the subject line of this blog entry.


While I have no intention of shutting either down, each has shown a lack of activity. It's all about the member site now, and I consider this a significant upgrade.

I'll no doubt post here again...



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